Thirty One Digital Offers a Helping Hand to Businesses

We now live in interesting times. From the moment COVID-19 hit our country, we have adopted new ways of living. This includes travel restrictions, extended quarantine, and drastic changes to how businesses operate. 

Many businesses are struggling to keep their companies afloat, scrambling to think of ways to stand out. Given the challenges businesses have to face in this pandemic, finding innovative digital solutions to solve the problem is a must. Creating positive and relevant ideas will increase response to products or services offered, helping businesses survive this crisis. 

In solidarity with businesses who face great challenges during this difficult time, Thirty One Digital Media Solutions Inc. is offering a helping hand to businesses and individuals that need it most through the #WeCanHelp campaign.

Thirty One Digital launched the #WeCanHelp campaign because we believe that in light of this pandemic, everyone needs help more than ever – brands, employees, and start-ups. 

It is divided into 4 sub-campaigns: 

  • We Can Help Brands 
  • We Can Help Employees 
  • We Can Help Startups 
  • We Can Help Spread Awareness


  1. We can help brands (#WeCanHelpBrands) – aims to support brands who struggle to transition in the digital market. Staying connected to customers, be it online or offline, is a must during this crisis. Through the services we offer, we hope to help you do just that. Thirty One Digital is offering free consultations and heavily discounted rates on its marketing, design, website development, app development, and other digital services.
  2. We can help employees (#WeCanHelpEmployees) – aims to be of help to the sector most affected by the pandemic – the workforce. As a company, we place great value on our employees. Through this, we hope to share with you the measures we’ve taken to keep them safe and healthy.
  3. We can help startups (#WeCanHelpStartups) – aims to lend a hand to small businesses like us who are struggling to thrive in this difficult situation. Our team of web developers, marketing strategists, researchers, writers, and graphic designers are ready to give you the manpower needed to achieve your business goals. As a company who places real value on its solutions, we can ensure you that our services and our partners can help your startup reach the right audience with the right message even during this challenging time.
  4. We can help spread awareness (#WeCanHelpSpreadAwareness) – aims to inform everyone on ways to keep healthy (physically and mentally) while COVID-19 still remains a great threat to the welfare of Filipinos. We do this because we believe that we have the responsibility to help our community, even in small ways like spreading awareness about safety measures.

By offering a lending hand, Thirty One Digital Media Solutions Inc., hopes to alleviate the stress and anxiety everyone faces. From a small business who is also struggling, our only aim is to help one another. 

To learn more, you may get in touch with us at or visit us on Facebook and Instagram.

4 Innovative Ways To Connect with Customers During a Crisis

Connecting to customers, even at the most favorable times, is already a challenge for most brands. In the midst of a pandemic, this challenging task is even more difficult. With people spending most of their time at home and practicing social distancing whenever they go out, brands must find new ways to engage their customers.

Small businesses and established companies must learn to recognize the situation at hand. It’s not just about selling your products or services, but also being of help to your clients. To put it simply, show the efforts you’ve made that support the best interest of your employees, your clients, and your community.

Here are 4 things you can do to create meaningful connections with your customers.  

  1. Understand where your consumers are coming from   

We are all consumers, and all of us have been affected by the crisis in different ways. As consumers face an unseen threat, the products and services we need change drastically. Your job, as a brand, is to find out the concerns and considerations customers make when buying products during this crisis. By asking your customers about the troubles they are facing, you can find concrete ways to address them.

One way to do that is to check the comments in your social media pages. From there, you can find the ones that you have the capacity to solve. You can also check your customer journey and look for issues they may face. For example, if you are a real estate company who gets customers by physically showing them the house, you can use visual tours to emulate the experience.

In this time of need, your consumers will appreciate this effort because they’ll see that you actually are listening to them.

  1. Take care of your employees

As cliché as it may sound, a happy employee is a happy customer. Your employees are your first line of defense. Without them, you have no business to run, so always take into consideration their health and needs.

To reassure them, always make them feel that you have their backs. Create a setup that they feel safe and well-taken care of. Ensure that you keep their workplace clean and that you give them flexibility when it comes to working arrangements. If your business allows you to have them work from home, do so. If not, make sure to show them your gratitude through the posts you share or the benefits you give them. Most importantly, never dismiss their concerns. They are as scared and stressed about the situation as you are. If an employee has concerns about the virus, make them feel that their worries are taken seriously and that the management will create measures to solve it.

Remember, your customers will navigate towards a brand that cares for their employees for most of them are employees too. They’d want to see if the brands they are consuming are concerned with the welfare of their own people. 

  1. Help your community

More than ever, consumers are looking for brands that will step-up to the situation. As a brand, who is also part of the community, there are many ways that you can help fight off COVID-19.

If your company has the means, you can help out by giving donations to frontline workers or to those in need – restaurants are giving out free food; manufacturing companies are doubling their efforts to produce alcohol and other sanitary products; and hotels are offering free accommodation to frontline workers. 

On the other hand, if your company doesn’t have the means, you can still help out. In times where fake news are rampant in social media, educating the public with infographics or videos about the virus is a must. You can also opt to offer discounts to help consumers who are most in need.

Whatever your capacity is as a company, show your customers that you are doing something to help. Consumers are looking for brands to trust in this pandemic and they’ll do that if you show them that you don’t just see them as profit makers.

  1. Show your customers that you care

The times we are facing is no joke. It presents a lot of challenges with the way we interact, communicate, work, and travel. As a brand, you must understand the burden these challenges give to your consumers.

To help them face these challenges, show them empathy by giving or suggesting ways to lift their burden. For example, you can give tips on how they can take care of their mental health or you can make videos that’ll help them learn a new skill to relieve stress.

These simple ways may not appear to have much impact on you, but it actually helps alleviate the stress your customers feel because of the virus. By doing so, you will be able to show them that you care about their well-being.

The main goal of these efforts is to create a lasting relationship with your customers even after the pandemic ends. Understanding your customers; taking care of your employees; helping your community; and showing your customers that you care, can make them feel that they can count on your brand at all times, especially during times of need. This type of bond between brand and consumer will be long lasting. By having a customer-centric attitude, it will show that you are handling the situation for their benefit and not just for your own gain.

If you are still having trouble thinking of ways to connect with your customers in this pandemic, Thirty One Digital can help. To learn more about our services and process, you may read our “Finding the best digital solutions” article or you may get in touch with us at or visit us on Facebook and Instagram.


Thirty One Digital: Finding the Best Digital Solutions

Thirty One Digital Media Solutions, Inc. has always been a solutions-first company. It has long centered on finding innovative digital business solutions that could help clients solve their digital problems. Its team of passionate and dedicated solution finders are composed of creators, builders, and gamers out to make a difference in the world through strategy, design, development, and digital advertising.

In order to craft digital solutions for business effectively, Thirty One Digital banked on research, creativity, and technology. This was done because the company believes that people will only respond to people. By combining the three, it was able to approach projects through the lens of human experiences, creating real value projects that move people and their clients. This holistic approach served as the competitive edge of the company.

Chief Executive Officer, Dwight Santos explains how the combination of research, creativity, and technology allows Thirty One Digital Media Solutions to find better ways to serve their clients and help them reach their goals.

Why must research, creativity, and technology go hand-in-hand to find a solution?

The first step in finding a solution is identifying the problem. We can’t give or suggest an integrated digital solution without knowing the root cause. It’ll be like taking a shot in the dark. This is why we always start our process by understanding what the client needs, what the business needs, and what the end-user needs.

Through research, we’re able to see the performance of a product or service and identify opportunities that our clients can use to improve their overall performance. For example, we can assess a client’s website and find out its effectiveness – the bounce rate, the duration users stay in the website, the SEO ranking, the user experience, etc. will be checked thoroughly by our team of researchers.

From there, we find creative ways to solve a problem. We brainstorm for ideas and strategize based on the data acquired and the overall objective of the client. Most importantly, we build experiences that are for humans. This is done because we believe that people only respond to ideas that they can relate to and they can benefit from.

Next, we use technology to implement ideas and strategies. It enables us to connect the brand with the right audience. Using the right technology for your business will be like using a megaphone. It’ll be able to amplify your message to the right audience and compel them to act. Simply put, research, creativity, and technology allow us to tap into human experiences, helping us find the best digital solutions for the client


How does Thirty One Digital do research?

We believe that we are not mere suppliers for our clients. We are their partner. As their partner, there is a need to understand our clients through research.

Research is integral to our process of developing, designing, and enhancing products, services, and technologies to serve our customers better. We conduct an online audit to find out what needs to be done. Here, we use different tools to see how the client’s social media accounts or website is performing.

We also look for opportunities that the client can use to improve their performance. By doing so, we can effectively strategize and develop plans needed to help our clients meet their goals.


How do we turn research into a creative output?

Research allows us to discover significant information that will help our clients reach their objectives. Based on the information gathered, we use our imagination and experiences to craft creative outputs that could make people feel a real connection with the product or service.

For example, we use what we know of customer behavior to tap what works best for e-commerce websites; we use social media data to create messages that better define brands, and we use data to make mobile apps more engaging. The most important aspect of turning research into a creative output will always be the people.

We always make sure that we touch on human experiences. People won’t engage in an output made for robots. By touching on human experiences, we make the products and services our clients offer come to life, enticing people to act.

How does technology help creativity?

Some people argue that technology hinders creativity as it is bound by logic rather than what creatives usually refer to as thinking outside of the box.

For us though, technology is more like a secret ingredient that gives power or amplifies our creativity. It enables us to implement our ideas and connect our creative outputs to the right channel. We use it to automate tedious processes such as data gathering, reports, and many more; we use technologies like Facebook Chatbot to give clients innovative and efficient ways to communicate with customers; and we also use it to help startups build their platforms scalably and with consideration for future expansion.

Much like our own children, we care not only for how our projects are brought into the world but also for their future. The technology ensures the growth of our projects, giving added value to the creative outputs we produce.

What specific technology does Thirty One Digital Media Solutions use to give its clients an edge?

Thirty One Digital Media Solutions is always working on new solutions to help clients achieve their goals. As a digital solutions company, we take pride in giving the most innovative digital solution for business through our services. In fact, we are listed in DesignRush as one of the top digital agencies. We offer services on research (social audit, social listening, usability testing); design (UI design, content creation, rich media, logo, branding); production (website development, app development, content management system, video production, chatbot development); and marketing (digital advertising, SEO, esports marketing, influencer marketing).

Backed by research, empowered by creativity, and equipped with the latest technology, our digital solutions give our clients the edge they need to win over their competitors and attract new customers.

To learn more about our services, you may get in touch with us at or visit us on Facebook and Instagram.